Alumni & Friends

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Alumni Services


Based on needs, we have opportunities to support alumni by sourcing their talents & expertise in special TYP projects

Current Opportunities: 

  • Freelance Photographer
  • Graphic Designer

Share Your Stories!


There have been many milestones, learnings, achievements, insights, bumps along the road and everything in between in your journeys through TYP and beyond. We want to be able to capture those moments in storytelling ways to reflect on and motivate the TYP community. 

Alumni Connectivity


The ability to exchange and engage!

Want to be a mentee or a mentor? Peer-to-peer support is a meaningful way to interact with those in similar circles or a chance to be inspired, to be able to learn from one another in mutual, rewarding ways. We offer curated events for creating these spaces of connection as well as through specific 1:1s, team/group settings. 

To learn more, please contact us at:

Advising & Guidance

Are you someone who enjoys helping others navigate systems/pathways or require navigation assistance?

Offer a workshop or become a service vendor where you want to partner and collaborate with TYP?

Have questions surrounding furthering your educational studies into graduate programs?

Do you require a copy of your transcript/TYP certificate?

Need some support in applying for an opportunity or for funding? 

Do you want to just chat and catch-up with TYP in general?

Book a meeting with our Alumni Engagement Officer 

    Contact us: